
Sciatica is a general term for pain into the sciatic nerve pathway, somewhere from the low back to the foot. This can be caused by a disc bulge, herniation or degeneration of the bones or disc of the lumbar spine.

Traditional physical therapy has treated sciatica by stabilizing the spine with core strengthening, regaining mobility of the spine and hips, and maybe some nerve flossing. These are all effective approaches but adding peripheral nerve decompression can be a very effective direct treatment for the nerve to calm down.

Peripheral nerve decompression comes from the thought that once a nerve senses an injury, inflammatory chemicals and cells begin to enter the nerve. Fluid with healing cells go into the nerve, but they have a hard time getting out once they do their job. This causes the nerve to thicken and push against its fascial tunnel it lives in. Every time we move a joint, the nerve is supposed to glide and move with you. If there is thickening of the nerve, there is no normal gliding within its tunnel. This leads to friction and pain, causing adhesions/scar tissue to develop between the nerve and the tunnel, further limiting normal movement.

Decompression techniques reduces the tension of the nerve by gently moving the fascia from the skin, down to the nerve. Moving the fascia up toward the spine to slack it, allows it to calm down and gently move the fluid out. Decompression also gently stretches the adhesions to promote better movement of the nerve.

Kana’s technique comes from a combination of what she learned from fascial mobilization and nerve decompression classes from the Herman & Wallace pelvic rehab institute and her lymphedema training from the Norton School of Lymphology. Her technique allows her to treat nerve pain successfully in a gentle, calming and lasting manner.




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